Monday, April 5, 2010

How Do Pakistani Get Their Skin Lighter

it can not be a little tighter! The eternal battle against cellulite

This article is aimed primarily at women, because the annoying orange peel is now time for a female stigma. Here, We win women go to "buck" pulled ...

When awake the first warm rays of the sun are out of hibernation increases our awareness of the body and the thought of which at least moderately acceptable bikini in importance.


women have cellulite because the female skin is constructed much finer and more elastic than that of men, considering that the skin during pregnancy give good and also may regress again. The collagen fibers provide appropriate stability not reticulated but are arranged as in men parallel. This allows fat cells that fail even larger than for men squeeze easily through the fibrous structure and make the ugly forms. The female sex hormone estrogen provides additionally that our preferred storage fat accumulates on the thighs and buttocks.
At this point I wish to state very clearly: Cellulite is a female characteristic that is only defines our society considers ugly, but it has next to no influence on the aesthetic aspects of health.

is Still in the spring run is an absolute phenomenon at various Cellullitekiller. The financial stakes are very high, success usually sparse.

  • obesity, physical inactivity
  • ,
  • to low daily fluid intake, smoking and
  • wrong to carbohydrate-rich diet
are factors that should change as far as possible to smooth the rough skin. Only when one meets these pillars you can use various creams and massage techniques as a supporting method. "Woman", however, should not put your critical faculties behind achieving the desired figure and do not believe any nonsense, the Advertising & Co suggest.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TO THE unattractive dimples?

Because I am asked very frequently, which can do "woman" against connective tissue. I give herewith a recommendation, in addition to
  • weight reduction,
  • regular exercise,
  • adequate fluid intake (at least 30ml/kg body weight),
  • reduction in cigarette consumption and
  • protein diet combined with plenty of fruits and vegetables are can make possible improvement in skin texture.
1) high-quality protein powder:
amino acids, the small units of proteins are important components of connective tissue. In particular, the disulfide bridge cysteine and methionine play a strong connective tissue, a major role.

2) vitamin C combined with bioflavonoids :
for general blood circulation but also the intercellular fluid flow responsible materials which may be used in high doses. My recommendation is Viramin C 1000mg 2x a day for exercise can be for a month and then reduce to 500mg 2x daily

3) base powder and basic nutrition
a positive effect. There are also base powder with zinc, which an important role for the elasticity of the skin plays.

4) multivitamin
depending on the diet, a multivitamin is recommended that, in addition to important minerals such as zinc and copper also enough vitamin D to ensure good circulation of blood and the intercellular guaranteed.

5) various amenities
can massage sufficient and thus also accelerate the circulation supportive, although these products are very controversial because it is assumed that the substances contained are not deep enough to penetrate into the deeper skin layers. On the meaning of the different, the products on the market, you can advise you in the best pharmacy you trust!

The recommendations listed under 1-5 can therefore replace the above-mentioned basic requirements not as supportive measures but they have already contributed much to improve the skin.

All young ladies, which I find sometimes a frightening illusion of beauty ideals, be said that there truly are more important things in life than just dimples or no dimples on thighs and buttocks: critical faculties and common sense men to women should also be more important than visual niceties. Because "man" should never forget: even the testosterone leaves its mark ... ..


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