How diverse are omega-3 fatty from "end-3 fatty acids, and the mystery of the EPAs and DHAs
you might have in my last post read. But what are these ominous fats? Fats are classified according to their chemical appearance. Butter, lard, and most of the food industry used oils that we are about food take us so-called saturated fats. Saturated fatty acid is now but not that the pig was fed before slaughter, but comes from chemistry and refers to the carbon particles in the fat: they are as tired of formulating chemist! (Carbon need to be fed every 4 binding partner and that partner is the carbon through a single bond bridge connected).
Apart from the fact that saturates our bodies and ourselves can produce, they hurt us more than they benefit us, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, vascular constriction, blood fat and, unfortunately, big belly are some consequences from excessive false fat.
But what are omega-3 fatty? These are essential fats, that is, we can not make myself sufficiently, such as that which the fish can, but they need essential in order for our body to function properly. Because some carbon in these fats do not have 4 binding partners, but only 3, they are referred to as unsaturated. But because the carbon has a hand free, it forms a double bond bridge to a neighbor. Are there are several of these double bonds it is called polyunsaturated FS or PUFAs. These include our Omega-3 fatty.
fats you have to imagine how long chains, in which carbon particles are chained together. Chemically characteristic now is that these fats are a double bond at the third carbon atom counted from the end of the chain have. Because the "end-FS-3" not very professional sound, you have dug in the Greek vocabulary and to replace the word "end" the same meaning "Omega" is used. And there we have it, our Omega-3 fatty! But wait, not so fast: a subtlety missing Moreover, not only after an omega-3 fatty is, you have to make further subdivisions. Here, the hearts of all those above who want to spice up with Latin killer terms that everyday language: EPA and DHA, as you can often read on fish oil supplements and, as the two most important representatives stand for eicosapentaenoic acid (11 carbons, 5 double bonds, last double bond from the end ago counted on 3 carbon) and docosahexaenoic acid (12 carbons, 6 double bonds, last double bond counted from the end on 3 carbon). In a nutshell, the secret of the alphabet soup is therefore in the chemical appearance. It is so important to EPAs and DHAs to be respected, because only they have the desired effects. The words "contains fish oil" is insufficient because it also in fish are different qualities of oil and it is only a high percentage of EPA and DHA is effective.
You have now a good basic knowledge of omega-3 fatty. What preparations in which mixing ratio of EPA / DHA and in what concentration is best when and how should be taken, you will learn in the next blog.
Hail or better SALVE!
Your Zedrus