Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How Were Ships Of The 1700's Made

How diverse are omega-3 fatty from "end-3 fatty acids, and the mystery of the EPAs and DHAs
you might have in my last post read. But what are these ominous fats? Fats are classified according to their chemical appearance. Butter, lard, and most of the food industry used oils that we are about food take us so-called saturated fats. Saturated fatty acid is now but not that the pig was fed before slaughter, but comes from chemistry and refers to the carbon particles in the fat: they are as tired of formulating chemist! (Carbon need to be fed every 4 binding partner and that partner is the carbon through a single bond bridge connected).

Apart from the fact that saturates our bodies and ourselves can produce, they hurt us more than they benefit us, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, vascular constriction, blood fat and, unfortunately, big belly are some consequences from excessive false fat.

But what are omega-3 fatty? These are essential fats, that is, we can not make myself sufficiently, such as that which the fish can, but they need essential in order for our body to function properly. Because some carbon in these fats do not have 4 binding partners, but only 3, they are referred to as unsaturated. But because the carbon has a hand free, it forms a double bond bridge to a neighbor. Are there are several of these double bonds it is called polyunsaturated FS or PUFAs. These include our Omega-3 fatty.
fats you have to imagine how long chains, in which carbon particles are chained together. Chemically characteristic now is that these fats are a double bond at the third carbon atom counted from the end of the chain have. Because the "end-FS-3" not very professional sound, you have dug in the Greek vocabulary and to replace the word "end" the same meaning "Omega" is used. And there we have it, our Omega-3 fatty! But wait, not so fast: a subtlety missing Moreover, not only after an omega-3 fatty is, you have to make further subdivisions. Here, the hearts of all those above who want to spice up with Latin killer terms that everyday language: EPA and DHA, as you can often read on fish oil supplements and, as the two most important representatives stand for eicosapentaenoic acid (11 carbons, 5 double bonds, last double bond from the end ago counted on 3 carbon) and docosahexaenoic acid (12 carbons, 6 double bonds, last double bond counted from the end on 3 carbon). In a nutshell, the secret of the alphabet soup is therefore in the chemical appearance. It is so important to EPAs and DHAs to be respected, because only they have the desired effects. The words "contains fish oil" is insufficient because it also in fish are different qualities of oil and it is only a high percentage of EPA and DHA is effective.

You have now a good basic knowledge of omega-3 fatty. What preparations in which mixing ratio of EPA / DHA and in what concentration is best when and how should be taken, you will learn in the next blog.

Hail or better SALVE!

Your Zedrus

Red Cross And Crystal Meth Blood Donations

It started with the Eskimos - the story of the omega-3 fatty acids
started the success story of the omega-3 fatty acids (FA) 1944, when scientists discovered that Canadian Inuits rarely suffer from cardiovascular diseases. It was not long turned out to be, that seemed to be the consumption of large quantities of cold water fish (an average of 100g a day) is responsible. As the "Healthy" at the fish again turned out the fish oil, which exerts different than the fat of our ever-popular pig roast, positive effects on our body.

has the meantime, the spectrum of these fats expanded enormously, and so are today following applications useful:

Cardiovascular disease : You can especially the Reinfarktrisiko and sudden cardiac death be reduced significantly: lower blood pressure, vasodilation and inhibition of platelet aggregation (sticking together of platelets that form clumps and small vessel linings can cause) shall concern. The antiarrhytmische effect is likely to be mainly responsible for the marked reduction of "sudden death" and fatal heart attack

Increased triglyceride : a significant reduction of elevated triglycerides has been proven to influence the cholesterol level is standard: the good HDL is hardly increased and reduced the bad LDL little.

rheumatic and inflammatory diseases : if we act take painkillers they are usually (depending on the drug) via a blockade of endogenous substances that cause inflammation in our body. This is the songenannten Prostaglandins: These prostaglandins (especially PEG3) may also be affected with omega-3 fatty acids. A significant reduction of required pain medication and thus a reduction of the often undesirable side effects are quite welcome effects

 memory and Impaired concentration : already pregnant women is recommended during pregnancy, omega-3 fatty to eat, to promote the intellectual development of children. Children and adults suffering from concentration problems and even ADHD patients should regularly consume omega-3 fatty. This recommendation not venture out in unsafe waters, for an effective enhancement of intellectual performance in general is very controversial. The use of ADHD to improve certain brain waves is certainly not yet closed completely. However, I appear at correspondingly poor diet a fish oil supplement useful than some other recommendation. I believe this could also one or the other child Ritalin and Concerta, which is prescribed by some (not all) doctors in my opinion much too frivolous, remain spared. Ritalin and Co have their place, but should be prescribed with the utmost care.

Which fish is now very rich in this golden oil is and in what form you otherwise can not omega-3 fatty take you and what you should generally ensure that you learn in the next blog.

In this sense, I hope, you look at me in and soon there are fish with you again soon! Enjoy your meal you wish

your Zedrus

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

6co2 6h2o -> C6h12o6 6o2

fight the herpes virus
A customer comes to me complaining of a bad cold. She feels miserable, has a terrible cold, and as a bonus it is on a magnificent night fever blister formed on the lip, the nose, it tickles already so suspicious! "That was a last straw," she said annoyed, "! Lately but I have already very cold sores often and I feel my immune system makes me even more frequently in the lurch"

fever blisters caused by herpes viruses. Once picked up by the body they will not let go. The herpes virus lie still in us until we weaken the immune system and the virus no longer can provide sufficient slogan. The healing of the most painful blisters can be accelerated with a variety of cold sore creams, pastes or plasters zinc (for the most suitable product for you can best advise you up in your pharmacy). For very frequent occurrence can also special virus-fighting drugs that the doctor prescribe, may be intervened.
This is sometimes really useful if the cold sores be very massive.

As you maybe noticed, I trust that in many cases, nutrients that our bodies are self, my recommendation is the following measures:

lysine : 2Kapseln morning, 2 lunch and 2 evening if possible, at least half an hour before a meal until the cold sore (s) were down has (have) and then reduced to 2x1 per day over a month through

lysine reduced arginine that is necessary for the herpes virus supply and thus causes a strangulation of the virus and also strengthens your immune system

Vitamin C : 2x 500mg slow-release vitamin C has atrophied to the cold sore and then reduced to 1x1 per day, a strengthened immune system urges the virus back

zinc : 2x 15mcg until the cold sore receded added and then reduced to 1x1 per day, applied locally on the bubbles, has a zinc counter accelerating healing.

your Zedrus

Monday, October 12, 2009

Nj Temp Disability Do You Get A W2

that vitamin C may have a stimulating immune system is well known. The use of ascorbic acid at allergies, however, is not yet so familiar. In fact, the king has, among the vitamins characteristics that the perpetrator of an allergic reaction to reduce the histamine . Histamine is stored in the body's own cells, the mast cells. Only a burst of these cells leads to a histamine liberation. Vitamin C stabilizes the cell wall of the mast cells, thus reducing the release of histamine and the allergic reaction. can alleviate the daily intake of 2 g ascorbic acid in a short time, itching, redness, swelling and other histamine-induced reactions

Sunday, October 4, 2009

There Anybody Been On The Bait Bus

COPD a "gift" to smokers

As I had now sat down on a mountain hike coming in the bus behind a group of young people, the smell, as if they had disguised as an ashtray, is created in me the need to write all smoking readers an article on the increasingly frequent COPD. COPD is a little hand for the touching Words "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" (which sounds so complicated that everyone has to think anyway: that can not hit me ...), on the other hand, COPD is long suffering but, shortness of breath and an increasingly troublesome life by kink-like and permanent deterioration. Why am I today call on but especially smoking, is the fact that this disease at least 20% (ie 20 out of 100) scores of smokers and COPD now after all that already represents the 4.häufigste cause of death.

can detect the disease at the typical morning smoker's cough, with a lot of mucus that is yellow in appetizing green, brown or bloody as the criss-crossed and general respiratory complaints worsen continuously until it eventually dies. COPD is not always clear from the history of asthma and to separate the early diagnosis is often difficult. In any event, all smoking urges her hobby as soon as possible to give up. Just because the chain-smoking aunt is still squeak with 81 alive, it does not mean that you and your body will tolerate that too!

me wonder always respond so shocked some people when they learn that perhaps are still traces of asbestos in offices or exceeded the particulate pollution in the city the threshold slightly: Cigarette smoking is the strongest legal toxic and particulate pollution in a bar with smokers by an average of 4 times above the permitted threshold!

cessation can be done! Seeking help from your doctor or pharmacist to give you advice, as it is the best! Believe me, it's worth it! Your lungs and you love too! Good luck!

Your Zedrus