Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Red Cross And Crystal Meth Blood Donations

It started with the Eskimos - the story of the omega-3 fatty acids
started the success story of the omega-3 fatty acids (FA) 1944, when scientists discovered that Canadian Inuits rarely suffer from cardiovascular diseases. It was not long turned out to be, that seemed to be the consumption of large quantities of cold water fish (an average of 100g a day) is responsible. As the "Healthy" at the fish again turned out the fish oil, which exerts different than the fat of our ever-popular pig roast, positive effects on our body.

has the meantime, the spectrum of these fats expanded enormously, and so are today following applications useful:

Cardiovascular disease : You can especially the Reinfarktrisiko and sudden cardiac death be reduced significantly: lower blood pressure, vasodilation and inhibition of platelet aggregation (sticking together of platelets that form clumps and small vessel linings can cause) shall concern. The antiarrhytmische effect is likely to be mainly responsible for the marked reduction of "sudden death" and fatal heart attack

Increased triglyceride : a significant reduction of elevated triglycerides has been proven to influence the cholesterol level is standard: the good HDL is hardly increased and reduced the bad LDL little.

rheumatic and inflammatory diseases : if we act take painkillers they are usually (depending on the drug) via a blockade of endogenous substances that cause inflammation in our body. This is the songenannten Prostaglandins: These prostaglandins (especially PEG3) may also be affected with omega-3 fatty acids. A significant reduction of required pain medication and thus a reduction of the often undesirable side effects are quite welcome effects

 memory and Impaired concentration : already pregnant women is recommended during pregnancy, omega-3 fatty to eat, to promote the intellectual development of children. Children and adults suffering from concentration problems and even ADHD patients should regularly consume omega-3 fatty. This recommendation not venture out in unsafe waters, for an effective enhancement of intellectual performance in general is very controversial. The use of ADHD to improve certain brain waves is certainly not yet closed completely. However, I appear at correspondingly poor diet a fish oil supplement useful than some other recommendation. I believe this could also one or the other child Ritalin and Concerta, which is prescribed by some (not all) doctors in my opinion much too frivolous, remain spared. Ritalin and Co have their place, but should be prescribed with the utmost care.

Which fish is now very rich in this golden oil is and in what form you otherwise can not omega-3 fatty take you and what you should generally ensure that you learn in the next blog.

In this sense, I hope, you look at me in and soon there are fish with you again soon! Enjoy your meal you wish

your Zedrus


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