Tuesday, October 13, 2009

6co2 6h2o -> C6h12o6 6o2

fight the herpes virus
A customer comes to me complaining of a bad cold. She feels miserable, has a terrible cold, and as a bonus it is on a magnificent night fever blister formed on the lip, the nose, it tickles already so suspicious! "That was a last straw," she said annoyed, "! Lately but I have already very cold sores often and I feel my immune system makes me even more frequently in the lurch"

fever blisters caused by herpes viruses. Once picked up by the body they will not let go. The herpes virus lie still in us until we weaken the immune system and the virus no longer can provide sufficient slogan. The healing of the most painful blisters can be accelerated with a variety of cold sore creams, pastes or plasters zinc (for the most suitable product for you can best advise you up in your pharmacy). For very frequent occurrence can also special virus-fighting drugs that the doctor prescribe, may be intervened.
This is sometimes really useful if the cold sores be very massive.

As you maybe noticed, I trust that in many cases, nutrients that our bodies are self, my recommendation is the following measures:

lysine : 2Kapseln morning, 2 lunch and 2 evening if possible, at least half an hour before a meal until the cold sore (s) were down has (have) and then reduced to 2x1 per day over a month through

lysine reduced arginine that is necessary for the herpes virus supply and thus causes a strangulation of the virus and also strengthens your immune system

Vitamin C : 2x 500mg slow-release vitamin C has atrophied to the cold sore and then reduced to 1x1 per day, a strengthened immune system urges the virus back

zinc : 2x 15mcg until the cold sore receded added and then reduced to 1x1 per day, applied locally on the bubbles, has a zinc counter accelerating healing.

your Zedrus


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