taking recommendations on omega-3 fatty
In the last two blogs have you already heard about omega-3 fatty and their importance to our health. What you should note, however, specifically when you want to take those healthy fats to you: As a general rule
the rule: at least 2x a week EPA and DHA-rich fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel or halibut. The additional use of omega-3 fatty-containing oils such as olive, soybean, canola and flaxseed oil and walnuts are recommended. In the said vegetable oil is the Omega-3 fatty present as alpha-linolenic acid, which can be produced from the body itself, while EPA and DHA, but he manages this with a conversion rate of 1-4%, so a couple of the walnuts Salmon simply can not replace.
two aspects are also the subject of increased fish consumption observed:
first Fish may be contaminated with pollutants such as
methyl mercury, dioxins and polychloriertenBiphenylen (PCBs), brominated flame retardants and other pollutants in the seas
(which is why you should eat rather smaller fish from the food chain. Sharks in usually are so large, are therefore not really recommended for pregnant women)
second overfishing is already a serious problem and is being aggravated by such recommendations
scientists are very strive to develop other methods of synthesis of EPA and DHA and DHA will now won already on the microalgae Ulkenia. Better known are the sources of the so-called krill (small creatures in the sea are used in addition to plankton and algae to fish for food and the fish themselves with EPA and DHA) Power
Trying to healthy fats to win on bacterial cultures also seems very promising. Functional foods like Omega-3 bread is already found in many a shelf and can be vegetarian heart beat faster, without the love to fish. Funny, I also think the experiment chickens fed with linseed oil so that their eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty: buy so Let's soon not only eggs from happy chickens, but also oiled by good .... if, however, leave the Reinfarktrisiko or elevated triglyceride levels also decrease with the laying round it, I can answer, unfortunately not ...
pregnant women and nursing mothers recommended minimum daily 200mg EPA / DHA to be incorporated. This can be achieved through adequate consumption of fish, however, is easier with proper supplements. Fish oil or krill oil capsules from different companies offer a good way. But you should always choose a product from well known companies where you can be sure that the fish oil sources of animals come from uncontaminated waters. To do this you can best advise you in your pharmacy. The supply of the embryo through the placenta as well as the infant via breast milk is proven and has clear advantages.
for ADHD patients or improving the cognitive skills and attention have capsules in a fixed mixture of EPA: DHA in a 3:1 ratio proved to be useful. Equazen that you can take in capsule form, or for children in Kaudragees could be mentioned as an example. The Kaudragees taste like artificial "Erdbeergummibärli with fish taste as soon as one bites the envelope. Sounds gruesome, But you get used to the time this really weird composition and children usually accept the creation flavor perfectly. Also Burgerstein has recently been a preparation in capsule form on the market. The advantage is that it is much cheaper, but it is also higher doses, so that 4 Strawberry Fish Kaudragees Burgerstein correspond to 1 capsule, thus possibly gotten little kids too much. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, and unpleasant belching could be the result.
To reduce the Reinfarktrisiko, or in patients with coronary heart disease to amounts of 0.5 to 1.0g EPA / DHA needed and more. The individual dose you discuss but in this case the best with your doctor or pharmacist. It matters also whether you need to take blood thinners or additionally if you are diabetic. Also, increased triglyceride levels flowing into the dosage recommendation in with it. As preparation Omacor have contributed, which is already several years on the market.
preparations mentioned are certainly not the only good in the market and are used only for simplicity. There is already a plethora of other excellent omega-3 fatty preparations. In any case, the capsules should have an adequate vitamin E content or other effective antioxidants because the only way to ensure that the information contained fats have become rancid before you they schluckst.Ăber the current price / performance ratio you allow your best advice in your pharmacy. However, you will generally find that high quality products are not too cheap. Our health may cost time but now nothing, right? It is after all not about our beloved car or a new brand shoes but ONLY about ourselves!
Your Zedrus
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