Monday, November 23, 2009

Scholarships For Students With Thyroid Condition

histamine intolerance

Histamine is an endogenous substance that you have learned may already know in connection with allergies. If you buy at the pharmacy an anti-allergy against your hay fever, you'll get you nothing but a means that the endogenous histamine and thereby counteracts the allergic reactions such as itching, swelling, runny nose, ect. eases.

low blood pressure,
loose stools,
rapid pulse,
nasal congestion or
think only a very few of the culprit although histamine may be just the substance responsible for all these complaints.

histamine is also found in our food. Absolute histamine bombs are red wine, tomatoes, aged cheeses, chocolate, sauerkraut and as cans of tuna. Histamine is produced in these foods preferably by maturation processes in which bacteria are involved. If we take exactly this food to us, the histamine in the healthy small intestine is degraded by an enzyme that has quite a complicated name diamine oxidase (DAO or simple). In some people, more precisely at 1% of the population (at least 1 in 100!), Histamine, however, is mitigated inadequate for two reasons: first

DAO is made insufficient or inefficient working, what innate, but only temporarily, caused by an infection, may be the case

second although it would be enough DAO available, but it is certain medications that the person concerned occupies blocked.

If drugs affect the DAO negative, it is obvious these drugs should be discontinued. The best you explore you by your doctor or pharmacist if you currently just einnimmst such drugs).
If, however, took no medications, it seems likely that some tools are missing in the body that allow a satisfactory DAO activity. A key component of the histamine-degrading enzyme is copper as coach of the DAO is activated vitamin B6 call. Vitamin B2 and zinc turn lead to B6 into its active form. Is therefore a deficiency of one or more of these vitamins and trace elements is present, adequate supplementation could be useful. The data on this recommendation can not sufficiently prove in studies, an attempt is the targeted use of these tools, but definitely worth it. The rather sobering alternative means namely histamine-restricted diets for ever, but that would mean a considerable restriction for connoisseurs of good food!


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