Saturday, August 7, 2010

How To Know How Much Gas To Put In A Gbb

Bressanone (South Tyrol) - Bologna

One of my highlights of 2010 season was about 330 km long journey from Bressanone (South Tyrol) on Verona after Bologna on 6 August with my colleague Walter. The weather promised a few of the perfect "Northern Italy Road Days of the Year: Genoa with the onset of deep Nordföhn. The previous day it had rained in northern Italy, a day later it was exceptional in the Po Valley clear. You could see in the middle of the Po Valley, both the foothills of the Alps and the Apennines . This supported the north wind all the cyclists who were heading south.

On Brenner Pass it has rained, the start, we have therefore moved to Brixen. The road was there but still wet, the sky but even in a somewhat friendly gray. Parking is one example. in a parking lot near the station. We started from there at 06:20. Until Trent Thats has several rain showers, the sky was blue from Rovereto. We are a large part of the route from Bolzano to Ala at the Adige Valley bike path down, then take the SS12 (the Distance between the burner and Verona is already in two earlier posts before: Brenner Verona, Bolzano- Valsugana ).

Deadline for arrival in Bologna was the departure of the last train at 18:10, so we had an ambitious timetable and had to create gross just under 30km / h to reach the goal. Alternatively, we would have canceled the trip earlier and would have risen in one of the stations between Bologna and Verona on the train. The navigation system was very convenient. In the Adige valley, you can not do much wrong, but when passing through large cities such as Verona and signposted to lean back roads in the Po Valley can be a lot of navigational errors Leave time.

the center of Verona, we drive around the south before we returned back on the SS12. South of Verona gabs much traffic (rush hour on Friday). The first places Buttapietra , Isola della Scala and Nogara are still in the province of Verona , Veneto . Even before Ostiglia you will reach the province of Mantova , Lombardy region. Ostiglia located on the northern bank of the Po - with 650 km the longest river in Italy. The catchment area is 75000km ², almost the size of Austria.

The bridge at Ostiglia is a striking steel-truss structure, which seems to be a bit long in the tooth. It lies at about 15m above sea level and is the lowest point of the tour. On the southern bank of the Po is Revere . We went on the SS12 to the risk of navigation errors on the narrow side streets Po-level decrease. The track was about 5 km longer than the shortest alternative that has found the route planner. The next places were Villa Poma , Poggio Rusco , Mirandola and Medolla . There we leave the SS12 and then are on the provincial road signs for Bologna followed.

Witzig were different distances on road signs. There were crosses on which the same trip with a few meters distance signs such as "Bologna 27 km 'and' Bologna 36km 'were. Next time I will cross the Po Valley on minor roads. The few miles southeast of Medolla were great: almost traffic-free, single-track roads through deserted places ("closed for vacation" - Ferragosto ). In the middle of a kilometer-long straight gabs suddenly an unannounced roadblock several concrete blocks. With the wheel no problem with the car you have to just turn around.

In a bar somewhere in nowhere I bought water. Older men with black sunglasses were 70s in the shade of trees at 32 degrees with long sweaters at cards. From the trees came the typical for this area 'huhu'-calls of pigeons. lost Those present gave the impression as if only very rarely an outsider of the talks here would hardly Italian. From Campo Santo the road was then a little frequented.

In Crevalcore began the longest straight of the track. The road provides almost an impression of Kansas. It is about 25km straight in the direction of Bologna. Only in San Giovanni are three curves around to the center - the church tower is located right on the line, describes the road.

Ca. 10km from Bologna is Sant 'Agata Bolognese , usually named after the legendary home of the fighting bulls Lamborghinis. Bologna, Bologna Province, Emilia Romagna is a beautiful and with about 370 000 inhabitants, quite a large city. For the stretch of the road sign to the station you should still take into account some time. The station itself was Friday afternoon rush hour too. But it is all worked out - even a "reward" Burger "at the Mac. According to the performance computer we have used on the tour about 5000kcal - these are just 0.6 kg fat. It is amazing to me how much energy the body can win from food and how efficiently you move to a road bike. Today we have got by with less than 0.2 kg Fett/100km.

It was a long day - nearly 1,000 km in about 21 hours (320km car, bike 330km, 330km train). The cycling resulted in 4 regions of Italy (Trentino, Veneto, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna). Now we had three short breaks of about 5 minutes to refill water and in addition a number of stops at red lights. The diagram right shows the (gross) from the average speed each 15-minute sections of the GPS tracks - the three periods and slow at the beginning of the Po valley are clearly visible.

net I had about 31.5 km / h on the speedo (332 km, 10:31), approximately 29 gross (11:28). The small life have thus added up to nearly an hour. The navigation errors have cost maybe 10-20 minutes. The entire planned route away from the burner I had in that time but not done. But I would again get up an hour earlier and go a little slower. "Driving 300 km in 10 hours" The goal I missed by 13 minutes.

I had to Ostiglia around some little energy in the legs and had to repeatedly make a short extra stop. The last hour before Bologna was then better again. In the diet I have to work on, wiedermal I had put too much baggage. There is still much to improve. Still - it was a great day with one of my longest road bike tours. Walter would have done it without problems much faster if he had not waited half way to me. To all Ötztal Bike Marathon-2010 Users: Fear the man with the starting number 255 ;-)


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